domingo, 4 de febrero de 2018

Wait in God

I think Christians fail so often to get answers to their prayers because they do not wait long enough on God.

Put Christ first in your life

Put Christ first in your life

Makes your heart sing

Do more of what makes your heart sing.

God's heart

A man who is no after God's heart should not be after mine.

Worship to God

"I have the reason to worship".


"You were created to be victorious".

Girl devoted to God

"I only want to be the kind of girl who is devoted to pleasing God and not pleasing people".

You call it religion

"You call it religion I call it a relationship".

Your life as a Christian

“Your life as a Christian should make non believers question their disbelief in God.”

Wait in God

I think Christians fail so often  to get answers to their prayers because they do not wait long enough on God.